In Their Shoes…


This is a photo I found of a loved and used shoe…it’s gone through more than we could ever know.  It’s been bruised, repaired, and bruised again.  Why would we ever show a picture of an old shoe?  Read Jane’s post. and it will become clear.  Jane is another one of us Type 2’s who successfully fights her War each day.  


A friend posted a photo with these words on her Facebook wall:

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

Be kind.


Sometimes we are so focused on our problems and difficulties that we forget that others may be in the same, if not worse, boat. When many of us forget, we tend to jump to all sorts of conclusions about others and their behavior, maybe because we need some outlet for our own frustrations and struggles. But when we meet someone who we think may not deserve our sympathy and kind thoughts, let us make the effort to step back, put ourselves in his or her shoes, and imagine what that person may be going through and how we (were we in that person’s situation) would like others to treat us.

Sometimes an act of kindness is no more than putting oneself in someone else’s place.

If someone overtakes us on the road, instead of losing our temper and going after this person, let’s consider the possibility that perhaps he wants to get to the hospital before his wife gives birth to their first child, or maybe he’s rushing to his daughter’s first recital, or maybe she is in desperate need of the toilet.

If we attend a party and bump into a diabetic who is enjoying a slice of cake, instead of assuming that this person does not take care of himself or herself, why not simply share in this person’s enjoyment – no, not the cake, but her joy in having that piece of cake. Maybe that’s her first taste of something sweet in months. Maybe her best friend baked that cake. Or maybe she’s having her last bite before turning her back on her major weakness in food.

If the waiter does not show us his flashiest smile, instead of being the cantankerous customer, why not take the initiative to say hello. Who knows? Maybe he is worried about his school fees. Or it’s possible that he has just been diagnosed with diabetes or something else. How would you feel in his place? Don’t you remember what you felt when the doctor told you that you have diabetes or pre-diabetes?

Whatever the situation, whether or not it’s related to diabetes, we do not know what others are going through. So, instead of judging them, let’s take a step back and give others the benefit of the doubt, because like us, everyone is fighting his or her own battles.


Diabetes is such an “I, me, my disease.”  We are constantly focused inwardly, when so many around us might be hurting.  A bit of kindness can improve not only someone else’s day, but your’s, as well.  Which, in the end makes it easier to fight your War On Diabetes.

Thank you, Jane.  We are already looking forward to your next posting.

As always, thank you for reading.

I am not a doctor or health professional. I am just a guy who is working everyday to control Type 2 Diabetes. My goal is to offer hope, help and solutions for day-to-day living for the diabetic. The disease can be controlled. It can be managed. And, you can do it!

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One comment on “In Their Shoes…
  1. beetleypete says:

    It is difficult to be kind and compassionate, especially to strangers. It might even be the hardest thing we could ever do. This article highlights the fact that it can actually make us feel better to do so, both physically, and spiritually.
    Regards from England as always. Pete.

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