Diabetes History


We get so busy fighting Diabetes on a daily basis; battling to control a disease that effects millions of people world-wide, that we may never ask a simple question: When did it start?  If you are like me, Diabetes started when you were diagnosed.  It’s almost as if it never existed before that moment.

Oh, how wrong can we be?  I was doing a bit of research for another post, and came across what is essentially The History of Diabetes.  Okay, don’t yawn, yet.  You might find it interesting, too.


Did you know that the first recorded case of Diabetes is from Ancient Egypt.  Yep.  Right there in the hieroglyphs dated to 1550 BCE a disease is mentioned that is strongly suspected to be Type 2 Diabetes.  Yeah – 1550 BCE.  Why that’s 3,564 years ago.  We have an ancient disease.  It’s mentioned again in writings from India from 600 BCE.  And, there is little doubt that they are referring to Diabetes.

Fast Forward to 1910 and the American Diabetes Association is on the case.  “Insulin” is identified and the lack of it leads to Diabetes.  That’s 104 years ago.  But, you know what, that’s still ancient history.  It wasn’t until 1936 that two types of Diabetes were identified.  The reality is they are very different kinds of diseases, but they both have their roots in an insulin deficiency.

It wasn’t until the 1950’s that medications in pill form were identified to aid in fighting Type 2 Diabetes.  The 1950’s!  Diabetes has been around for 3,500 years at that point and they are just developing meds.  Take a look now.  We must have made up for lost time because there are more than 100 meds to control Type 2 Diabetes.

Portable glucose meters, and where would we be without those, did not arrive on the scene until the late 1960’s. Can you believe that?  I could not control my Diabetes without having that valuable information at my finger tips.  (Okay – that was a bit of a bad pun.)

I am really struck by the fact that it wasn’t until recently we have had the tools to use; tools that work reliably, to aid us in our War On Diabetes.  How can we not win with these weapons at our disposal?  How can we allow ourselves to face the complications Diabetes can bring if it is left unchecked?

If you haven’t, declare your War On Diabetes today.  Now.  Don’t wait.  You know what you need to do. Eat a healthy diet heavy on the fruits and vegetables and eat fewer carbs.  Exercise just a bit five days a week.  take your Meds as prescribed. Diet. Exercise. Meds.  Use your weapons and win.

As always, thank you for reading and sharing.

I am not a doctor or health professional. I am just a guy who is working everyday to control Type 2 Diabetes. My goal is to offer hope, help and solutions for day-to-day living for the diabetic. The disease can be controlled. It can be managed. And, you can do it!

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Posted in Meds and More!
6 comments on “Diabetes History
  1. beetleypete says:

    Interesting historical facts Phil, and a good pun into the bargain!
    Regards from England, Pete.

    • Thank you so much. I love puns and have to restrain myself from putting far more in the blog. Not everyone enjoys them, but it’s great to discover a kindred spirit.


  2. Mommabetic says:

    Reblogged this on and commented:
    I love a good history lesson!

  3. Hi, Phil. I was listening to NPR today, Morning Edition, in which they did a piece on diabetes in the Latino communities, and thought about your blog and the efforts you make to increase awareness. It was an informative piece on the struggle to provide healthy choices to their communities. If you didn’t catch it:


    All the best, S

    • I will definitely listen. The Latino communities have challenges that not all face. The question is how to get to them? That’s a question I have been asking for a while. And, just now I had the germ of an idea…hmmmm.


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